Harvest-Time ....Country Wisdom & Folklore Diary Time
Lammas (England) Lughnasadh (Ireland,Scotland & Isle of Man) and Gŵyl Awst (Wales) are the names associated with this time of the year...
Harvest-Time ....Country Wisdom & Folklore Diary Time
Our Sun at Solstice
Imbolc – Finding Magick
Winter Solstice- Look to the heavens.
The Dark Part of our Year
The Dark Part of our Year
Autumnal Equinox, Mabon, nearly Michaelmas, the last harvest, harvest home & Summer’s end.
Lammas the beginning of Harvest
Sing in the May
Imbolc 2023 - Doom and Gloom or Brighter Things to Come?
Ring out the Old , Ring in the New.
Samhain- chills and cosy
The Autumnal Equinox - Welcome Autumn.
Winter Solstice - A moment to reflect and enjoy being still.
Hallowe’en Chills
Lammastide- Beginnings and endings
Imbolc Brings Hope
Dividing Times, Divination Times
Change is on its way.
Mayday - a bright day