It’s that time of the year when the ‘labours‘ of our folklore collecting come to fruition with the publication of our new diary. This year it’s ‘greener’ than ever as we have ditched the spiro binding for a gentler footprint of ‘PUR’ bound. We are rather excited about the results.
Lammas is traditionally the time of the grain harvest and Lammas loaves being made with great ceremony. The last cut of the corn was always treated with reverence as much superstition was associated with who made the last cut. Rows of corn were left standing so that the corn spirits could have safe passage from the scythes. At the end of the harvesting celebratory suppers were shared .
At Talking Trees Books we too are celebrating as the new diary will once more share and keep alive the snippets of superstition, customs and old ways with you all. Available from our website, stockists and Amazon from Monday 5th August.
So once more we thank you , invite you to accompany us as friends through 2020 together and ask that you say out loud and share the stories , sayings and ways that we will otherwise lose. X
‘You sunburned sicklemen of August early, Come hither from the furrow and be merry’.