Well according to the Met office the 1st March is the first day of Spring ! I think our ancestors knew better and that's why the beginning spring is not until the vernal equinox this year on 20th March but really the beginning of May was often thought as Spring/early summer. We have to remember for a long time we had only two seasons Summer and Winter. Certainly the advice 'never cast a clout 'till day is out' seems good advice on a snowy cold beginning of March. Then we have the saying about March 'in like a lion, out like a lamb' that refers to March winds that roar in and I think the blizzard winds of storm Emma will certainly class as a roar ! Lets hope the latter part of the saying will be right.

March 1st also marks St David's day - the patron saint of Wales. Legends say that even from the womb David was able to perform miracles. Hi mother , St Non, during her pregnancy went into a church to listen the preaching of the local priest and immediately the man was struck dumb. Sounds like the priest wasn't that good at spreading the word. David's birth came during a violent gale on the cliff tops in Pembrokeshire during a torrential storm, it is said that an unearthly light illuminated the scene and then all became calm and still. A spring of clear water came out of the spot he was born, forming a well which still exists today.

Why not celebrate Spring - it is on its way - with our Visiting Mother Spring booklet or perhaps give it as a Mother's day or Easter gift.

A page from our Visiting Mother Spring Booklet - printed on watercolour paper and available in our website shop.
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