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Writer's pictureTalking Trees Books

Very excited -'Put to bed' !

Well the 2019 Country Wisdom & Folklore diary is complete and at the printers (or put to bed in printing jargon!) A big phew on our part as it is the culmination of a years worth of collecting and collating folklore around the British Isles. We have had some wonderful journeys, met lovely people, heard super stories and sayings, been slightly out of our comfort zone on radio broadcasts, done interviews and many speaking events. What a year ! and all in our pursuit of keeping the old ways alive and celebrating our cultural heritage. Here's a peak of part of the cover.

Info wise as well as the usual moon/sun times, wheel of the year, seasonal celebrations we have superstitions, saying and stories about badgers, woodpeckers, cunning folk, the ducking stool, recipes using snow as an ingredient, tales of tragic young lovers and silly yuletide games and of course much more as we travel through each day of the year together. We also have a few fun and silly little woodcut images.

and artwork to celebrate the beginning of each month.

We give advice through the sayings that have been passed through generations such as;

‘When visiting someone who has just moved into a new house, never go with your two hands the one length. Always take something to hansel the house. Coal is the luckiest’.

We have used the same FSC Edixion Offset paper and board printed with vegetable based inks and printed at our local COC certified printers WPG. As always we try to make our global footprint as gentle as possible. Thank you for the positive feedback saying the diary is more durable and use able using this paper stock.

Our hope is that the diary will be available to purchase from the beginning of August on our website and stockists and also on Amazon.

Hope you are looking forward to reading the eccentricities, customs and ways of our fair isles on a daily basis at the beginning of 2019 and throughout the year and as always we thank you for your continued support.

Apotropaic 'witch' mark
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